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Ever wondered what happens inside the walls of a 100+ year old hospital in the dead of the night? Legends and rumors run rampant about the strange and unusual occurrences that happen in St. Ignatius Hospital over the years. Apparitional sightings, unexplainable sounds, people being kicked and touched, voices; you’ll find them all in the old abandoned halls.

In the past seven years, well over 15,000 people have visited the old hospital. Participants use scientific equipment to document and substantiate their experiences. Time after time stories emerge of inexplicable sightings.

Word has gotten out about the after-dark paranormal activity at St. Ignatius. 

As word continues to spread about the allegedly haunted hospital, more and more people come to explore the eerie site. Visitors can choose between a variety of paranormal options: Ghost Tours, Ghost Hunts, Private Investigations are all offered.

So now the only question is: are you brave enough to set foot inside the walls after dark and see for yourself?

4th Floor St. Ignatius
Kid's Room St. Ignatius
EVP - "I don't remember" at the end
Unknown Track - Unknown Artist
00:00 / 00:00
EVP - The two people in the room do not even hear this.  They keep talking. 
Unknown Track - Unknown Artist
00:00 / 00:00
EVP - Listen close to this one. We think it says, "oh no, where did they come from"
Unknown Track - Unknown Artist
00:00 / 00:00
EVP - Whisper, but we can't hear what they say. 
Unknown Track - Unknown Artist
00:00 / 00:00

Strange Lights and Orbs are found in photos.

hand print

Unexplained hand print on arm during tour.

shadow figure

Garrett Watts caught this image in the window.

shadow hand
We have no idea what this is?
roses room

Only 2 people in the room. Look at the reflection in the TV. Looks like a little girl standing behind someone. 

shadow figure
Image caught on full spectrum camera.

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